Chair, Asia eHealth Information Network
Dr. Boonchai Kijsanayotin is born in 1959 and earned his medical degree from the Chulalongkorn University and Board Certified Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine from Thai Medical Council. He spent 15 years working at rural public hospital as an internal medicine clinician.
While he was working as a clinician in the hospital, he was also responsible for the Hospital Information System (HIS) and oversaw the hospital telemedicine station, one of Thai Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) Telemedicine project. In 2008, he received his MS. & Ph.D. in Health Informatics from University of Minnesota, USA. Currently, he is the health informatician and research manager at Thai Health Information Standards Development Center (THIS), an affiliated agency of the Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
He is also the chair of the Asian eHealth Information Network (AeHIN), vice president of Thai Medical Informatics Association (TMI), International representative of TMI for International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), member of Thai Medical Council and Royal College of Physicians of Thailand. His working areas and research interest include eHealth in developing country especially Thailand, National health data standards and interoperability, Health Information Exchange (HIE), Electronic Health Records (EHR), Socio-technical aspect of Health Information Technology and Health/biomedical informatics education in Thailand. His current work is the development of Thai Medicines Terminology (TMT), the semantic standard for Thai pharmaceutical products.