SIL-Asia teams up with Viet Nam Ministry of Health

HANOI, Viet Nam – The Standards and Interoperability Lab – Asia (SIL-Asia) is collaborating with the Electronic Health Administration (EHA) of the Viet Nam Ministry of Health to help them establish its in-country health interoperability lab. The goal of the lab is to interoperate disparate health systems in the country and thus, promote a transfer…
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Philippines, Nepal, and Thailand learn about DHIF

BANGKOK, Thailand and MANILA, Philippines – The Standards and Interoperability Lab-Asia (SIL-Asia) together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN) facilitated a series of workshops on Digital Health Investment Framework (DHIF) during the first quarter of 2018. These workshops were held in Bangkok, Thailand (30 January) and in Manila, Philippines with…
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Strengthening artifacts on DHIF

MANDALUYONG, Philippines – The Standards and Interoperable Lab – Asia (SIL-Asia) collaborated with Tom Jones, Director of Strategy and Impact at the African Centre for eHealth Excellence, in strengthening the Digital Health Impact Framework (DHIF) materials at the ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines on 12-14 March 2018. To answer the question of many countries on the cost…
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